OUR HOUSE Music Facilitators

Meet the Team


DJ Blythe started dancing in Berkeley, California in the 70s with the Hare Krishnas. When not basking in the raw elemental energies of north Kohala, Blythe's avatar has the day job of a meditation teacher and author. At sundown however, Blythe emerges as dance prana fanning a hot mix of world music, deep house and American soul. Blythe welcomes your offerings of inhibition, anxiety, shyness, stuckness and grief as fuel to feed the conflagration of unbridled joy we share in the temple of Kohala Rhythm Sanctuary.


DJ Stereogab was one of those kids who always had her headphones on and made mixtapes for friends. Her sets reflect her eclectic taste in psychedelic music and her coming of age as a raver in 1990s’ NYC. Tune into her “Switched on Stereogab” KNKR radio show every Wednesday from 6-8 PM at knkr.org/96.1 FM in Kohala. Meowmaste!

DJ Brenna

Brenna is a musician, dancer, teacher, healer and facilitator. Her ecstatic dance facilitation began in North Kohala with the co-creation of Dance Medicine with her mama (Lori). With her ecstatic sets Brenna strives to invite emotional release, playfulness, and joy. As a DJ, Brenna blends ecstatic/tribal, bass, and funk, with some classic hits.


Lori dances to live. From her love for dancing she began cultivating the desire to craft musical journeys that would create emotional releases. Lori always manages to touch a tribal cord in her sets, including all genres, house, dance, electronic, worldwide, hip-hop, and always something to surprise.


Finding Ecstatic Dance was Divine Intervention. Whether I’m creating playlists, spinning for others or dancing myself, the magic of Ecstatic Dance fills my heart and Soul with unbounded love. It is my passion and purpose to create an opportunity for others to experience this freedom and joy.

“"There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them"

Vicki Baum